My husband and I lead a Marriage Support Group for a young church. Since the group is called MSG (like the flavor enhancer), the members started choosing food related names for themselves. We had Mr. Peanut Butter and Miss Strawberry Jam; Salt and Pepper; Ms Tomato and Mr. Red Hot Chili Pepper; Mr. and Mrs. Pumpkin; and Mr Durian (a stinky local fruit) and his wife, Pineapple. My husband was The Chef and they called me the Queen of Flavor. With a set-up like that, you know it’s bound to be fun.
Mike played a video of the old Hank Williams’ song, Hey, Good Lookin’ Whatcha Got Cookin’, then led us into a good discussion of the importance of humor in marriage. We had a great time.
So what does this have to do with living and working overseas? Just this. We can become so wrapped up in our work or so tired or so frustrated with how hard it is to live day-to-day, that we forget how delightful life is supposed to be. Maybe this article can be a wake up call to those who have misplaced their funny bone or forgotten how to laugh.